Black History Month: A Celebration For The Whole Year
Did you know that February is Black History Month? This month is dedicated to honor our past and present African-American community. In addition to recognizing those members of our community, it’s also important to reflect on their many achievements that have changed our world. This opens up the opportunity for those to learn about the history behind Black History Month, how it’s celebrated, and why it’s celebrated.
The History channel says that Black History Month originated back in the 1920s with the help of Carter G. Woodson. He was the son of two former slaves and was unable to attend his dream of going to school as a result of his family’s finances. Although he wasn’t able to go to an actual high school, he chose to educate himself instead. He continued his education at Berea College, University of Chicago, and then continued on to Harvard University. There he received his Ph.D. in History. After his schooling in 1915, him and Jesse Moorland co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. He had took it upon himself to spread the knowledge that he had gained throughout his schooling to others.
Why should you celebrate Black History Month?
Past & Future
During Black History Month, it is our duty to commemorate the past to understand, reflect, and to learn about the difficulties that are faced by people of our community on a daily basis. In addition to this, it’s important to look ahead into the future and how we can shape it to be a positive experience for everyone. Whether we want to believe it or not, history is being made every single day. We live through history which gives us the power to turn it in the direction we want it to go. As we continue to shape history, it’s important to realize that what we do and how we treat others will have an impact on future generations. This will mold their values and beliefs based on what we’re doing today.
In addition to bringing awareness, it’s also important to celebrate success stories and all of the positive actions that have taken place. It’s time to celebrate discoveries, inventions, achievements, etc. It’s the month to highlight all of these success stories and reflect on how those stories are changing the future.
Every single story that you’ve heard about during Black History Month has had an impact on many. In many of the Black History Month stories, you hear about inequality. Inequality should be something that is not tolerated no matter the circumstances. We need to be sure that we as people are creating environments that feel safe. Woodstone has a clear commitment to diversity and inclusion to create that safe space that everyone needs and deserves.
Many of us can remember learning about Black History in our classes. Those just provide us with a glimpse of what Black History is. They usually focus on slavery and the events that took place within those environments. Instead of just focusing on slavery, it’s important to take a look at the success stories that are involved.
Increase of Diversity & Inclusion
In addition to Black History Month promoting diversity, it also celebrates diversity and what it has to offer. Promoting diversity during Black History Month is bringing awareness to the idea that we are all diverse and that we all bring different talents and perspective to the table. By educating one another, we showcase the achievements of our people along with them as individuals.
As mentioned before, many people have faced discrimination. This is the perfect time to focus on the disparity and issues that black people face. These issues come up in different places but especially the workplace. It’s important for work places to have open conversations about struggles that people are having and how they can fix them. Although these can be uncomfortable conversations, they are extremely important to acknowledge and identify steps that can be put in place to take action and solve these issues.
These difficult conversations should be apart of the curriculum in the education system. Children should be taught at a young age about Black History Month and why we should celebrate our differences. Although slavery is a big topic, it’s important to teach them about the contributions that black people have made to our society.
These are just a coupe of reasons why it’s important to celebrate Black History Month. Create a comfortable space to have those conversations to educate yourself and others about Black History Month. Ask questions, have open conversations, and take time to celebrate Black History Month.
Danielle Morrow
Marketing Specialist